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May Partner Update

Going to The Ends of the Earth!

You have been in our prayers! I’ve spent time praying earnestly contending with you in faith knowing the Lord is answering your prayers.  So much has been happening so quickly that we must spend time in continual prayer these days!

                I am so grateful for you! Like Paul said in Philippines 1:3-6
I thank my God in all my remembrance of you. In every prayer of mine I always make my entreaty and petition for you all with joy (delight). [I thank my God] for your fellowship (your sympathetic cooperation and contributions and partnership) in advancing the good news (the Gospel) from the first day [you heard it] until now. And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.  It’s amazing how much the Lord can accomplish when He has a team of people who genuinely care about each other like you do. 

                Thank you for your prayers for me too! I’ve needed them big time. When the Lord told David, pursue, overtake, and recover all, he got it all back plus more. (1 Samuel 30:8-20) We’ve lengthened our cords and strengthened our pegs over these last few weeks. (Isaiah 54:2) We took part in a prayer rally with pastors, leaders and many believers at the capitol in Austin, Texas. It was an amazing time of prayer! We took new ground, and opened a huge portal in the spirit.


We’ve added a new weekly live prayer event on Facebook and YouTube called Secrets to Answered Prayer to reach those who are struggling in their relationship with the Lord. We host it every Tuesday & Thursday at 11am CST. Please join us if you are able!

We’ve also just released a much requested Master Class Teaching Series! We are starting with prayer, where I will be teaching everything from the foundational basics to corporate prayer, intercession and travail. You can join this Master class series for $10/mo. or $100/yr. You will receive access to this class as well as all future Master Class Topics. Become a subscriber and join us!

As you may have already noticed, we have also started our new Substack ministry newsletter! This new online newsletter has allowed us to digitize our entire communication process! From my weekly updates to even this new partner letter format. We can now use one medium to share all of our updates, teachings, events, and important announcements. Did you know Substack newsletters can be enjoyed on your PC, as well as your mobile device? Download the app from the Apple App Store, or the Google Play Store to take our content with you! We sure hope you enjoy it!


Believe it or not, I am finishing up another book which should be ready for press in the next few months. Stay tuned for more information on that big announcement!

I am extremely excited about our newest opportunity with Sid Roth! I have just finished preparing 14 new broadcasts for the ISN Network which have the potential of reaching a half billion people! Glory to God! We’ve also just completed some additional tapings which will be used on his various media outlets. Check out my latest clip on the ISN YouTube channel series called Supernatural Stories!

We are truly going to the end’s of the earth with the Power of His Blood! Stay tuned for more information regarding dates and times of these upcoming broadcasts!


We have been doing some much needed upgrades to our media studio with new lighting and decor. We are currently believing God for upgraded cameras, and AV equipment to help us reach even more people through some of the larger media outlets. If you would like to give toward this new faith project, please visit our giving page today! Together we will make it happen!

                You have helped make this all possible, because you have prayed, and you have given! Wow, I can’t thank you enough! I can sure feel your support! I really believe in team work, and thankful you are a big part of it.

                Leave me a note in the comments below and let me know what you think of our new teaching programs and our improved communication channels. Our greatest desire is to stay in contact with YOU!

Until next time, always remember, “We love you! We are praying for you! and we are grateful for your support!”


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