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July Partner Update

We are

Hello Partners and friends!

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you! (Phil 1:3) Because of you, we are taking territory. I’m grateful and thankful for all of your prayers and support.

Personal Ministry Update
I’ve just gotten back from doing more video tapings with Sid Roth on his ISN Network! These video programs should be released in next few months. Stay tuned and we will post a link once they are available. I had an amazing time preaching and teaching at Church International in Warrior, Alabama. You can watch that service on our YouTube channel by clicking below! It was a powerful service! The Glory of God was present and even manifested visibly!

Nation Update
These next few months hold the greatest significance for our Nation, probably since it was founded! Some ups and downs are ahead of us. But, the Lord is guiding us forward to victory! Buckle up and stay plugged in to Him.

2 Chronicles 20:20 Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.

                It’s important for us to pray diligently and study God’s Word. As we do, the Holy Spirit of Truth reveals to us what is true and what is error. With so many deceiving voices today, we must listen intently to the Lord because He’ll always confirm His Word in the mouth of two or three witnesses. I’m sure you are ready to hear the Truth about what is coming in our future and how to prepare properly.

Share With Friends & Family

                Please do me a favor and ask your friends and family to sign up for our newsletter via Substack. It’ the easiest way for us to reach as many people as possible, with the truth about the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ! Plus they will gain instant access to all of our weekly teachings, classes and ministry updates. You might even consider sharing a gift subscription with them!

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If you haven’t already, please also consider becoming a paid subscriber yourself and join in on our Master Classes. You’ll love the teachings as we are endeavoring to minister into different areas of your life. 

Stay in Touch

Let me hear from you please! Email your questions to us or leave them in the comments. I’ll do my best to help you fulfill your destiny and purpose in life.

 New Studio

               Check out our new studio as we build out our communication platform.  What do you think?  We’re still working on it, but we have come a long way by improving our sound, lighting, post editing and more. Thank you bunches for all your help and prayers during this project. Your continued support makes it all possible! We are reaching more people than ever, and sharing the truth about Jesus Christ with the world!

                Keep your (spirit) eyes open to hear and obey every prompting of the Holy Spirit.

Blessings and much love,

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Ginger Ziegler Ministries
Ginger Ziegler Ministries
Ginger Ziegler